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7 au 9 Novembre 2011 - the volatile and changing Freight Transportation landscape-Northwestern University

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7 au 9 Novembre 2011 - the volatile and changing Freight Transportation landscape-Northwestern University Empty 7 au 9 Novembre 2011 - the volatile and changing Freight Transportation landscape-Northwestern University

Message  Admin Mar 11 Oct - 16:50

The NU Transportation Center is offering a specialized Executive Program focusing on the volatile and changing Freight Transportation landscape. The program scheduled for Nov. 7-9, here on Northwestern’s Evanston campus, will explore the complex set of factors that must be considered when making freight transportation and logistics decisions, including price, service, access, mode selection, dependability and contractual arrangements. It will also provide insights into new technologies now available to help improve operational performance and service quality.

We think this program will be of interest to many of our colleagues working in the field and hope that you will share this information with others you think may be interested.

Early Bird Registration rate available through Oct. 14th.

Diana Marek, Asst. Director
NU Transportation Center

Freight Transportation and Logistics:
Delivering Results in a Volatile Environment – Nov. 7-9, 2011

Gain insights into the volatile busniess environment and economic uncertainty impacting the domestic
and international freight transportation landscape by attending this customize Executive Program.
The course will outline strategies for success for both buyers and sellers of transportation freight
services as it explores the forces driving change in the global freight marketplace.

Who Should Attend:
The program is aimed at transportation and logistics decision-makers engaged in purchasing
Domestic and international freight transportation; carriers and intermediaries providing those
Services; and those who invest in, raise capital for, and provide services and equipment for
the sector. This includes executives, staff and line managers with responsibility for operations,
sales, sourcing, purchasing, marketing, pricing, cost management and supply-chain design.

Participants will emerge with a comprehensive understanding and perspective of both
domestic and international transportation sectors and the changing nature of relationships
between shippers, carriers, and various intermediaries.

Topics to be covered will include:
· Role of Freight in the Economy

· Forces driving change in transportation and logistics

· Emerging Trends in the Global Third Party Logistics Market

· How Customers Buy Freight in a Volatile Market

· Understanding the competative advantage of each mode: rail, truck, air, ocean, barge

intermodal as related to price, cost structure, service, access and availability

· Freight Intermediaries: Brokerage / TMS

· Global Sourcing

· Understanding the Cost Structure of Freight Transportation Services

· Using Data to Manage Freight Movements

Program faculty include experienced transportation professional, actively working in the industry,
and academic experts.

For full program details and to REGISTER go to:

Diana F. Marek
Assistant Director
Transportation Center
Celebrating 50 Years of Excellence 1954-2004
Northwestern University
600 Foster St.
Evanston, Il 60208-4055

Messages : 607
Activité : 8
Date d'inscription : 10/04/2008

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