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4-6 Octobre 2012 - International colloquium on ‘Recent Developments in Freight Transport Modeling’

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4-6 Octobre 2012 - International colloquium on ‘Recent Developments in Freight Transport Modeling’ Empty 4-6 Octobre 2012 - International colloquium on ‘Recent Developments in Freight Transport Modeling’

Message  Admin Jeu 9 Aoû - 12:27

From 4 till 6 October 2012, the Department of Transport and Regional Economics of the University of Antwerp, together with Prof. Moshe Ben-Akiva (Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT)) will host an international colloquium on ‘Recent Developments in Freight Transport Modeling’. The full program is now available online, and features presentations by 39 academic contributors from all over the world.
Transport growth is a sine qua non for a continuous economic growth but is not without problems. Solving soundly and significantly those problems asks for a new and broader analysis of transport. This was already highlighted by the late Prof. Marvin L. Manheim during his opening speech of the 8th World Conference on Transport Research (Antwerp, 1998) and in quite a few of his publications.
This colloquium will strive to elaborate his message in a large number of lectures by international experts in the field and to push forward frontiers in modeling freight transport. The colloquium is intended for researchers active in transport in general, and in freight transport modeling in particular. It guarantees value added for experienced researchers and doctoral students. The link with transport policy and management will be of interest to transport decision-makers in both government and industry.

Program :*TPR&n=109309
Registration :*TPR&n=109173

Dernière édition par Admin le Jeu 9 Aoû - 21:49, édité 1 fois

Messages : 607
Activité : 8
Date d'inscription : 10/04/2008

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4-6 Octobre 2012 - International colloquium on ‘Recent Developments in Freight Transport Modeling’ Empty Re: 4-6 Octobre 2012 - International colloquium on ‘Recent Developments in Freight Transport Modeling’

Message  rabelaisien Jeu 9 Aoû - 16:03

Program :*TPR&n=109309
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Activité : 41
Date d'inscription : 18/08/2008
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