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Centre for Transport Studies Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering Imperial College London - Junior Research Fellowships

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Centre for Transport Studies Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering Imperial College London - Junior Research Fellowships Empty Centre for Transport Studies Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering Imperial College London - Junior Research Fellowships

Message  Admin Mar 28 Aoû - 0:18

Centre for Transport Studies Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering Imperial College London

Junior Research Fellowships

Imperial College London has created a significant number of new Junior Research Fellowships, to enable outstanding young researchers to establish academic careers. The Fellowships are for 3 years and are intended to enable the successful applicant to focus full time on developing an independent research identity but with encouragement and support from a senior academic mentor. These are early career opportunities and applicants will be expected normally to have no more than four years postdoctoral research experience in an academic environment.

Proposals will be judged primarily on the basis of their scientific merit, track record and potential for development of an independent research programme. Applicants will need to identify an Imperial College academic staff member to act as their sponsor and to provide relevant facilities and mentorship for the tenure of the Fellowship.

This is a tremendous opportunity for a talented young researcher to establish an academic career at Imperial.

The Centre for Transport Studies is keen to encourage suitable applicants with interests in any of our areas of research activity, which include

* Travel demand modelling
* Transport network operations
* Transport and the environment
* Intelligent transport systems
* Transport economics, policy and regulation
* Transport risk, safety and security
* Railway operations and management
* Engineering geomatics
* Air transport and air traffic management
* Freight transport and logistics
* Port and maritime operations

We are also happy to hear from potential applicants with complimentary disciplinary or research interests that could contribute to our multi-disciplinary research activities.

Further information about the Junior Fellowship Scheme can be found at and further information about the Centre for Transport Studies can be found at

The closing date for applications is 31 October 2012.


Messages : 607
Activité : 8
Date d'inscription : 10/04/2008

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