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ROME - Post-Doc - Modélisation appliquée au Transports

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ROME - Post-Doc - Modélisation appliquée au Transports Empty ROME - Post-Doc - Modélisation appliquée au Transports

Message  Admin Jeu 11 Oct - 12:45

L'Université Rome 3 propose un post doc d'une année, en modélisation appliquée aux transports.

Job Summary :
1 year fixed term contract, commencing February 2013

You will work with Professor Edoardo Marcucci on a number of existing projects making use of advanced discrete choice models, primarily in a transport context. You will be based in the Department of Public Institutions, Economics and Society of the Faculty of Political Science at “Roma Tre” University, Rome Italy.

You will be required to have a good undergraduate degree and, at the time of application, you should have already obtained a PhD. The thesis should be related to the field of choice modeling but need not necessarily be in transport research. You will be required to have experience in the specification and estimation of advanced discrete choice models, and the interpretations of model results and have a developing track record of publications.

19.367 € Gross annual

Informal enquiries may be made to Prof. Edoardo MARCUCCI
tel. +39 06 5733 5294, mob. +39 331 687 6905, email
Closing date is 3 December 2012 and full details are below.

Job Details

Postdoctoral Research Fellow in Choice Modeling

Job Summary

1 year fixed term contract.

You will work with Professor Edoardo Marcucci on a number of existing projects making use of advanced discrete choice models, primarily in a transport context. You will be based in DIPES and will be required to have a good undergraduate degree and at the time of application, you should have already obtained a PhD. The thesis should be related to the field of choice modeling but need not necessarily be in transport research even if this represents an advantage. You will be required to have experience in the specification and estimation of advanced discrete choice models, in the interpretation of model results and have a developing track record of publications.

Main duties and responsibilities: You will work with Professor Edoardo Marcucci on a number of existing projects making use of advanced discrete choice models, primarily in a transport context. Within the context of these projects, you will be expected to:
· Specify and estimate advanced discrete choice models and interpret their results

· Develop and use new research techniques and methods

· Prepare project deliverable reports and presentations

· Use creativity to analyze and interpret research data and draw conclusions on the outcomes

· Lead and contribute to research papers for publication

Furthermore, you will also be expected to:
· Contribute to and encourage joint discussions with the wider research group and partners.
· Develop internal and external networks to benefit the projects and other research.
Subject to opportunities arising, you may also be involved in the assessment of student knowledge as well as the supervision of projects and help to develop student research skills. 

The contract for this post will initially be for a fixed term of one year. Subject to additional funding being secured, the contract may be extended beyond that duration.
You will have the opportunity to increase the likelihood of an extension by:
· Developing collaborations with colleagues at the University of Roma Tre and with external organizations/other institutions to develop new external research links.
· Developing research objectives and proposals for own or joint research, and contributing to successful funding bids in the area of choice modeling.
· Identifying other research project opportunities and directions as they arise, and assisting in the writing of grant proposals.

You will be expected to undertake any other duties which may be commensurate within the role and grade as requested by project managers.

Career Expectations 

The University of Roma Tre is committed to developing its staff. Progression to a higher grade is dependent on an individual taking on an increased level of responsibility.

Person Specification

Essential criteria:
· A good undergraduate degree

· At the time of the application, you should have either already obtained a PhD. The thesis should be related to the field of choice modeling but need not necessarily be in transport research

· Extensive experience in the specification and estimation of advanced discrete choice models, and the interpretation of model results

· A developing track record of publications

· Demonstrable evidence of innovation in research

· An ability to work independently and flexibly

· Excellent communication skills 

· An ability to work as part of a team

Desirable criteria:
· Experience in producing new code for the estimation of advanced models rather than relying on existing code
· Experience with non-standard models (e.g. latent variables, joint discrete-continuous)

· Evidence of successful external funding applications

Messages : 607
Activité : 8
Date d'inscription : 10/04/2008

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