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Oxford reveals clean air plan to ban HGVs from city centre by 2020

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Oxford reveals clean air plan to ban HGVs from city centre by 2020 Empty Oxford reveals clean air plan to ban HGVs from city centre by 2020

Message  Admin Mer 23 Jan - 18:07

Oxford reveals clean air plan to ban HGVs from city centre by 2020

"HGVs could be banned from Oxford’s city centre during peak hours from next year, and also be subject to a congestion charge in the outer city by 2022. Under the proposals, which follow a public consultation, plans to ban HGVs from entering an inner Red Zone have been fast forwarded from 2035 to 2020. The proposals are part of Oxford City Council and Oxfordshire County Councils’ updated plans for a Zero Emission Zone (ZEZ) in the city centre"


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Date d'inscription : 10/04/2008

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